Sunday, 5 December 2010

Craft room inspiration

As you will have seen from the below post, I do tend to take up a lot of space with my crafting, so I think Theo and I are both quite relieved that the new flat has a second bedroom where I can craft away to my heart's content without getting in anyone's way. 

Here are a few work spaces that have inspired me - it's quite tricky knowing exactly what storage I should get to make sure the space stays as tidy as possible.

The first photo shows recycled library index drawers being used for sewing paraphernalia - and I LOVE them! Theo, on the other hand, thinks teeny tiny drawers are not terribly practical. He's probably right, but I love them anyway. 

Also, there is very little chance that my own space could ever stay as tidy as these ones - crafting is a very messy business! 

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